Yeah, I watched that video and it seemed as if there were someone off-camera with a shotgun aimed at Campbell were he to say anything wrong. He's realizing the futility of his work and that is a bittter pill.

i wonder how much longer he will continue with his videos.

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Campbell has straddled the fence for a long while and was even promoting the jab early on, earning shill accusations aplenty. My gut feel is he is honourable and was duped.

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When we can't say certain things, we find a way to express them in body language and innuendo.

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I have chosen to self-censor in order to preserve relationships with some friends and relatives. I did, however, starting fairly early in the pandemic (May 2020?) find a way to speak out on Facebook without being censor-able.

My county's public health department was busy pushing PCR testing, quarantine of anyone testing positive and their close contacts, mask-wearing, social distancing, etc.

I found out that the Facebook page of a government agency in California is considered "Public Record." That meant that neither Facebook nor the county public health department could ban me from commenting on the public health department's posts, or delete any of my comments. So I addressed every important COVID-related issue that came up -- For example, the bizarrely high cycle thresholds being used in PCR testing, the uselessness of social distancing to reduce the spread of aerosolized viruses, the suppression of early treatments, etc. I was careful to be factual and courteous. I almost never called names (the exception was certain pro-vaccination politicians). I backed up nearly everything I said with citations of studies, interviews, and links to CDC and/or FDA quotes. I kept up a steady stream of educational comments even after I moved out of California in May 2021.

I don't know how much good I did, but I can say for sure that someone in the public health department had to read everything I wrote. It must have been a thorn in the earnest public health employees' sides that Facebook soon designated me a "Top Fan" of the page and labeled all my comments with that title.

I hope people in other California counties did the sort of thing I did on their public health agencies' pages...

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Hi, Louis, from one of your former IPAK students. :) This topic is important. How many of us self-censor like Dr Campbell, out of fear of the mob or, worse, our own government? We need to return to a nation that seeks truth, not ideology, and where the 1st Amendment actually means something. Thank you for speaking up for all of us!

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